
What is it?

A cancer is an uncontrolled proliferation of cells.
See Cancer Cells in Culture for other properties of cancer cells.

Cancer cells contain several mutated genes. The mutations are found in genes that are involved in mitosis; that is, in genes that control the cell cycle. These genes are proto-oncogenes and/or tumor suppressor genes.

See the discussion of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes.

What probably happen is:

Colon Cancer: An Example

Colon cancer: Examination of the cells at the earliest, polyp, stage, reveals that they contain one or two mutations associated with cancer. Frequently these include The cells in the later stages of the disease show additional types of damage such as deletions of p53 and another tumor-suppressor gene.

Note that each of the mutations shown probably occurs in one cell of the type affected. This cell then develops into the next stage of the progression. The mutations do not necessarily occur in the order shown, although they often do.

Cancers become more common as one gets older.

The graph shows the death rate from cancer in the United States as a function of age. The graph can best be explained by the need for an accumulation of several "hits" to genes that control the cell cycle before a cell can become cancerous.

The graph also explains why cancer has become such a common cause of death during the twentieth century. It probably has very little to do with exposure to the chemicals of modern living and everything to do with the increased longevity that has been such a remarkable feature of this century.

A population whose members increasingly survive accidents and infectious disease is a population increasingly condemned to death from such "organic" diseases as cancer.

Causes of Cancer

Cancers are caused by

Viruses and Cancer

Many viruses have been studied that reliably cause cancer when laboratory animals are infected with them. What about humans? The evidence obviously is indirect but some likely culprits are:

But note! Clearly something else must contribute to the development of cancer following infection by these agents.

So it appears that only if an infected cell is unlucky enough to suffer one or more other types of damage will it develop into a tumor.

Is there a safe dose of any mutagen or carcinogen?

We live surrounded by radiation and by chemicals that Is there any safe dose for humans of these agents (which include oxygen!) The question is exceedingly difficult to answer and, I believe, at low doses, unanswerable. Why? This graph shows several theoretical dose-response relationships.

There is considerable evidence that at moderate doses of a mutagen or carcinogen, the response is linear (A). However, at very low doses of some chemicals, there may be a threshold (B) below which the agent has no effect. For other chemicals, and probably for radiation, it is likely that even the tiniest doses will have an effect (C), but the population exposed must be large enough to observe it. Note that even at zero dose, the line does not intercept the origin. This is because even unexposed animals (including people) show a spontaneous level of response (e.g., tumors).

At very high doses, the rate of response may increase faster than the dose (E) as, for example, the probability of a single cell suffering two mutations increases. On the other hand, very high doses may kill off damaged cells before they can develop into tumors (F).

Radiation and cancer

High doses of radiation cause cancer. Various studies, including excellent ones on the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, show that a population exposed to a dose of 12,500 mrem will have a measurable increase (about 1%) in the incidence of cancer. Note that the measurements are made on a population, not on individuals. We can never say that a particular individual exposed to a particular dose of radiation will develop cancer. The induction of cancer is a chance ("stochastic") event unlike the induction of radiation sickness which is completely predictable. The element of chance arises because cancer is an event that occurs in a single cell unlucky enough to suffer damage to two or more specific genes. However, the energy needed to cause mutations is very low. So if you expose a sufficiently large number of cells to even tiny doses of radiation, some cell is going to be unlucky. How can we evaluate the risk?

Collective Dose

An example: But consider:


Chemicals and cancer: dioxin

At one time it was found that the chemical dioxin, which can be produced as a contaminant in the manufacture of paper and cardboard, was leaching from milk cartons into milk itself. And, in fact, this was the estimate made. The uncertainties in such assumptions helps explain the controversy that has so often swirled around the test data on such chemicals as

Some chemicals appear to have a safety threshold

Cells have a number of different methods for detoxifying certain types of chemicals. So long as these mechanisms are not overwhelmed, they should provide a threshold of safety.

An example: dioxin
Three cancers of special biological interest: [Burkitt's lymphoma] [ Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia] [lung cancer]
The genetic basis of cancer: oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes
The role of the proto-oncogene BCL-2 in B-cell leukemia and lymphoma.
Do magnetic fields cause cancer?
Fighting cancer with angiogenesis inhibitors.
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26 April 1999