Genome Sizes

The genome of an organism is the complete set of genes specifying how its phenotype will develop (under a certain set of environmental conditions). In this sense, then, diploid organisms (like ourselves) contain two genomes, one inherited from our mother, the other from our father.
Table of Genome Sizes (haploid)
Base pairsGenesNotes
Phi-X 174 5,38610virus of E. coli
Human mitochondrion16,56937
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)172,28280causes mononucleosis
Mycoplasma genitalium580,073467two of the smallest true organisms
Mycoplasma pneumoniae816,394679
Chlamydia trachomatis1,042,519938most common sexually-transmitted disease (STD) bacterium in the U.S.
Rickettsia prowazekii1,111,523867bacterium that causes epidemic typhus
Treponema pallidum1,138,0111091bacterium that causes syphilis
Borrelia burgdorferi1.4 x 106>1,283bacterium that causes Lyme disease [note]
Aquifex aeolicus1,551,3351,522bacterium isolated from a hot spring in Yellowstone National Park
Campylobacter jejuni1.64 x 106frequent cause of food poisoning
Helicobacter pylori1,667,8671,590chief cause of stomach ulcers (not stress and diet)
Methanococcus jannaschii1,664,9701,738These unicellular prokaryotes look like typical bacteria but their genes
are so different from those of either bacteria or eukaryotes that they are
classified in a third kingdom: Archaea.
Pyrococcus horikoshii1,738,5052022
Hemophilus influenzae1,830,1381,743bacterium that causes middle ear infections
Thermotoga maritima1,860,7251,877marine bacterium
Archaeoglobus fulgidus2,178,4002,436another member of the Archaea
Synechocystis3,573,4703,169a marine prokaryote, one of the cyanobacteria ("blue-green algae")
Mycobacterium tuberculosis4,411,5293,922causes tuberculosis
Bacillus subtilis4,214,8144,100another prokaryote
E. coli4,639,2214,3774290 of these genes encode proteins; the rest RNAs
Saccharomyces cerevisiae12 x 1065,885Budding yeast. A eukaryote. Includes 275 tRNA and 140 rRNA genes.
Caenorhabditis elegans 95.5 x 10619,820The first multicellular eukaryote to be sequenced.
The genomes above have been completely sequenced. Those below have not so their figures are estimates.
Arabidopsis thaliana1.2 x 108~20,000flowering plant (angiosperm)
Drosophila melanogaster1.65 x 108~12,000the "fruit fly"
Humans and other mammals3.3 x 109~70,000
Wheat16 x 109~30,000
Some amphibians9 x 109?
Psilotum nudum2.5 x 1011?Note

Note: The gene total for Borrelia burgdorferi is based on 853 genes on its single chromosome (of 910,724 base pairs) plus 430 genes on 11 of the 17 plasmids it contains.

Arabidopsis thaliana is a plant (in the mustard family) that has the smallest genome known in the plant kingdom and for this reason has become a favorite of plant molecular biologists. Even though Psilotum nudum (sometimes called the "whisk fern") is a far simpler plant than Arabidopsis (it has no true leaves, flowers, or fruit), it has 3000 times as much DNA. No one knows why, but 80% or more of it is repetitive DNA containing no genetic information. This is also the case for some amphibians, which contain 30 times as much DNA as we do but certainly are not 30 times as complex.

The total amount of DNA in the haploid genome is called its C value. The lack of a consistent relationship between the C value and the complexity of an organism (e.g., amphibians vs. mammals) is called the C value paradox.

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6 June 1999