Transgenic Plants

Progress is being made on several fronts to introduce new traits into plants using recombinant DNA technology.

The genetic manipulation of plants has been going on since the dawn of agriculture, but until recently this has required the slow and tedious process of cross-breeding varieties. Genetic engineering promises to speed the process and broaden the scope of what can be done.

Making transgenic plants

There are several methods for introducing genes into plants, including In contrast to animals, there is no real distinction between somatic cells and germline cells. Somatic tissues of plants, e.g., root cells grown in culture, If all goes well, the transgene will be incorporated into the pollen and eggs and passed on to the next generation.

In this respect, it is easier to produce transgenic plants than transgenic animals.

Some Achievements

1. Insect Resistance.

Bacillus thuringiensis is a bacterium that is pathogenic for a number of insect pests. Its lethal effect is mediated by a protein toxin it produces. Through recombinant DNA methods, the toxin gene can be introduced directly into the genome of the plant where it is expressed and provides protection against insect pests of the plant.
Link to illustrated discussion of Bacillus thuringiensis.

2. Disease Resistance.

Genes that provide resistance against plant viruses have been successfully introduced into such crop plants as tobacco, tomatoes, and potatoes.
Tomato plants infected with tobacco mosaic virus (which attacks tomato plants as well as tobacco). The plants in the back row carry an introduced gene conferring resistance to the virus. The resistant plants produced three times as much fruit as the sensitive plants (front row) and the same as control plants. (Courtesy Monsanto Company.)

3. Herbicide Resistance.

Questions have been raised about the safety - both to humans and to the environment - of some of the broad-leaved weed killers like 2,4-D. Alternatives are available, but they may damage the crop as well as the weeds growing in it. However, genes for resistance to some of the newer herbicides have been introduced into some crop plants and enable them to thrive even when exposed to the weed killer.
Effect of the herbicide bromoxynil on tobacco plants transformed with a bacterial gene whose product breaks down bromoxynil (top row) and control plants (bottom row). "Spray blank" plants were treated with the same spray mixture as the others except the bromoxynil was left out. (Courtesy of Calgene, Davis, CA.)

4. "Terminator" Genes

This term is used (by opponents of the practice) for transgenes introduced into crop plants to make them produce sterile seeds (and thus force the farmer to buy fresh seeds for the following season rather than saving seeds from the current crop).

The process involves introducing three transgenes into the plant:

How they work

When the seeds are soaked (before their sale) in a solution of tetracycline

Because the toxin does not harm the growing plant - only its developing seeds - the crop can be grown normally except that its seeds are sterile.

The use of terminator genes has created much controversy:

5. Transgenes Encoding Antisense RNA.

These are discussed in a separate page. Link to it.
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17 April 1999