
Blood is a liquid tissue. Suspended in the watery plasma are seven types of cells and cell fragments.
If one takes a sample of blood, treats it with an agent to prevent clotting, and spins it in a centrifuge,
  • the red cells settle to the bottom
  • the white cells settle on top of them forming the "buffy coat".
The fraction occupied by the red cells is called the hematocrit. Normally it is approximately 45%. Values much lower than this are a sign of anemia.

Functions of the blood

Blood performs two major functions:

The formation of blood cells (cell types and acronyms are defined below)

Link to a diagram showing the actual appearance of these cells (96K)

All the various types of blood cells

These stem cells Which path is taken is regulated by Examples:

Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes)

The most numerous type in the blood. As RBC precursors mature in the bone marrow,

This scanning electron micrograph (courtesy of Dr. Marion J. Barnhart) shows the characteristic biconcave shape of red blood cells.

Thus RBCs are terminally differentiated; that is, they can never divide. They live about 120 days and then are ingested by phagocytic cells in the liver and spleen. Most of the iron in their hemoglobin is reclaimed for reuse. The remainder of the heme portion of the molecule is degraded into bile pigments and excreted by the liver. Some 3 million RBCs die and are scavenged by the liver each second.

Red blood cells are responsible for the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Oxygen Transport

The hemoglobin (Hb) molecule The reaction is reversible.

Carbon Dioxide Transport

Carbon dioxide (CO2) combines with water forming carbonic acid, which dissociates into a hydrogen ion (H+) and a bicarbonate ions:
CO2 + H2O <-> H2CO3 <-> H+ + HCO3-

95% of the CO2 generated in the tissues is carried in the red blood cells:

Only about 5% of the CO2 generated in the tissues dissolves directly in the plasma. (A good thing, too: if all the CO2 we make were carried this way, the pH of the blood would drop from its normal 7.4 to an instantly-fatal 4.5!)

When the red cells reach the lungs, these reactions are reversed and CO2 is released to the air of the alveoli.


Anemia is a shortage of Anemia has many causes. One of the most common is an inadequate intake of iron in the diet.

Blood Groups

Red blood cells have surface antigens that differ between people and that create the so-called blood groups such as the ABO system.
Link to a discussion of blood groups.

White Blood Cells (leukocytes)

White blood cells


There are several kinds of lymphocytes (although they all look alike under the microscope), each with different functions to perform . The most common types of lymphocytes are

Although bone marrow is the ultimate source of lymphocytes, the lymphocytes that will become T cells migrate from the bone marrow to the thymus where they mature. Both B cells and T cells also take up residence in lymph nodes, the spleen and other tissues where they


Monocytes leave the blood and become macrophages.

This scanning electron micrograph (courtesy of Drs. Jan M. Orenstein and Emma Shelton) shows a single macrophage surrounded by several lymphocytes.

Macrophages are large, phagocytic cells that engulf


The most abundant of the WBCs. This photomicrograph shows a single neutrophil surrounded by red blood cells.

Neutrophils squeeze through the capillary walls and into infected tissue where they kill the invaders (e.g., bacteria) and then engulf the remnants by phagocytosis.

This is a never-ending task, even in healthy people: Our throat, nasal passages, and colon harbor vast numbers of bacteria. Most of these are commensals, and do us no harm. But that is because neutrophils keep them in check.


can reduce the numbers of neutrophils so that formerly harmless bacteria begin to proliferate. The resulting opportunistic infection can be life-threatening.


The number of eosinophils in the blood is normally quite low (0 - 450/µl). However, their numbers increase sharply in certain diseases, especially infections by parasitic worms. Eosinophils are cytotoxic, releasing the contents of their granules on the invader.


The number of basophils also increases during infection. Basophils leave the blood and develop into mast cells. Their granules contain histamine and when they discharge these are the site of infection, the histamine increases the blood flow to the area. Mast cells also play an important part in some allergies such as

Platelets and Blood Clotting

Platelets are cell fragments produced from megakaryocytes.

Blood normally contains 150,000 to 450,000 per microliter (µl). If this value should drop much below 50,000/µl, there is a danger of uncontrolled bleeding. This is because of the essential role that platelets have in blood clotting.

When blood vessels are cut or damaged, the loss of blood from the system must be stopped before shock and possible death occur. This is accomplished by solidification of the blood, a process called coagulation or clotting.

A blood clot consists of Platelet aggregation and fibrin formation both require the proteolytic enzyme thrombin. Clotting also requires:

The clotting process

Bleeding disorders

A deficiency of any one of the clotting factors can lead to uncontrolled bleeding. Most of these conditions are quite rare. The genes are autosomal, and the unlucky patient must inherit two mutant genes to be seriously affected.

However, the genes encoding clotting are on the X chromosome. Thus their inheritance is X-linked.

Males (XY) inherit just a single gene and if this is defective, they will suffer from episodes of uncontrolled bleeding. This ailment is called

Like most X-linked disorders, hemophilia is found almost exclusively in males.

It turns out that there are many different mutant versions of the genes for factors VIII and IX. Although some produce only a minor effect on the function of their protein, others fail to produce any functioning clotting factor.

What can be done?

Factor VIII and IX can be extracted from donated blood, usually pooled from several thousand donors, and purified. Injections of this material can halt episodes of bleeding in hemophiliacs and have allowed countless young men to live relatively normal lives.

However, in the early 1980s, blood contaminated with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was unknowingly used to manufacture factors VIII and IX. In some areas, 90% or more of the hemophiliacs became infected by these contaminated preparations. Many have since died of AIDS.

The future now looks brighter because:

These recombinant factors are made by inserting the DNA encoding the human protein into mammalian cells grown in culture. E. coli cannot be used because these factors are glycoproteins, and E. coli lacks the machinery to attach carbohydrate properly.

It is difficult to see how even the most worried critics of genetic engineering can fail to approve its potential to save the lives of thousands of hemophiliacs in the years to come.

Dissolving clots

Plasma contains plasminogen, which binds to the fibrin molecules in a clot. Nearby healthy cells release tissue plasminogen activator (TPA), which also binds to fibrin and, as its name suggests, activates plasminogen forming plasmin. Plasmin proceeds to digest fibrin, thus dissolving the clot.

Recombinant human TPA is now produced by recombinant DNA technology. Injected within the first hours after a heart attack, it has saved many lives by dissolving the clot blocking the coronary artery and restoring blood flow before the heart muscle becomes irreversibly damaged.


Plasma is the straw-colored liquid in which the blood cells are suspended.

Composition of blood plasma
Glucose (blood sugar)0.1

Plasma transports materials needed by cells and materials that must be removed from cells:

Most of these materials are in transit from a place where they are added to the blood (a "source") to places ("sinks")where they will be removed from the blood.

Serum proteins

Proteins make up 6-8% of the blood. They are about equally divided between serum albumin and a great variety of serum globulins.

After blood is withdrawn from a vein and allowed to clot, the clot slowly shrinks. As it does so, a clear fluid called serum is squeezed out. Thus:

Serum is blood plasma without fibrinogen and other clotting factors.

The serum proteins can be separated by electrophoresis.

Serum lipids

Because of their relationship to cardiovascular disease, the analysis of serum lipids has become an important health measure.

The table shows the range of typical values as well as the values above (or below) which the subject may be at increased risk of developing atherosclerosis.
LIPIDTypical values (mg/dl)Desirable (mg/dl)
Cholesterol (total)170-210<200
LDL cholesterol60-140<130
HDL cholesterol35-85>35
More on cholesterolHow cholesterol is taken into cells.
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16 June 1999